Currently Trending at Fork & Flair
Unlike many other dietary trends, the healthy lifestyle trend has been around for quite some time...and going strong! We have been...
Star Awards - Studio 54
As caterers, we are always behind the scenes at events-however, early April we had the opportunity to join in the fun! International...
Lets talk Hors d'Oeuvres!
If you’ve poked around our website a bit, I’m sure you noticed our Hors d’Oeuvres menu, and how many options are on it. We love hors d’...
Why the Name Change?
Hello All! Welcome to our Blog, and our new website! We hope you like it :) So, the BIG question... Why the Name Change? I started...
Q & A with a Twin Cities Wedding Coordinator
As a local Twin Cities catering company, we get to work with so many wonderful wedding coordinators. Over the course of an event and...
Minnesota Timberwolves
Believe it or not, we do more then just weddings! :) Earlier this month we teamed up with Brave New Workshop and the Minnesota...